MercyCare / News / Clients, the best part of the job

Clients, the best part of the job

Jo visits about four clients in their homes every day and helps them with their personal care, meal preparation and grocery shopping.

“I see the same clients every week so I really do get to know them and after a while, they do come out of their shell,” Jo said.

“I love listening to their stories, and everyone’s got a story to tell.

“Some of them have amazing stories about the war and growing up in Perth and others talk about their different cultures. I actually learn quite a lot just listening to them.”

Jo has worked for MercyCare Home Care for the past three years but it’s her second stint, having previously worked six years with the organisation.

“It’s a great organisation; I’ve always got support from my supervisor and the people are very nice,” she said.

Having worked in community services since she was 19,

Jo says her role, especially talking with and spending time with her clients, gives her a special satisfaction.

“I love that time with the clients. It’s amazing to hear their life experiences and get to know them.”