Amber Youth Wellness is a free community-based youth mental health service in Perth’s Northern Suburbs for young people aged 12-25 years old.
The program is designed to help young people with complex psycho-social needs, facing significant life challenges or who are looking for help to function better, improve their mental wellness and relationships. The Amber team provides counselling, access to youth workers, peer workers and a Medical Consultant.
The Family Wellbeing is an early intervention service for children and young people from 0 to 18 years who are showing early signs of or at risk of developing, mental health issues. Family Wellbeing provides the following support:
MercyCare’s Family Wellbeing Support Service is available for anyone that is 18 years of age or younger, living in the Cities of Stirling, Melville, Belmont, Victoria Park or Canning and experiencing early signs of mental health concerns.