Carlow House provides medium-term, 24-hour youth supported accommodation for young people aged 16-19 years old who are homeless or at risk of being homeless.
We walk alongside young people and empower them to learn new skills, build their confidence, self-esteem, strong relationships, and support networks for moving into private or shared accommodation and adulthood.
Young people can stay at Carlow House for approximately 9 months and must be engaged in or willing to engage in employment, education, or training.
The Coolock Young Mothers programs provides medium-term accommodation (up to nine months) for single mothers aged 16-25 years old. The program has a focus on parenting skills, securing long term tenancy and improved health and wellbeing.
Mothers are accommodated in a two-bedroom unit located within the City of Stirling with rent adjusted for individual income levels.
A Support Worker visits on a regular basis (usually weekly) to provide practical support and assistance with the development of social, parenting and life skills.
The Youth Support Service provides free assistance to young people aged 16 to 25 years to obtain their own private rental in the mainstream rental market and or to maintain their current accommodation.
Young people aged 16-18 years old with no rental history can be supported to access shared and transitional accommodation options through MercyCare or one of our partner housing providers.
All participants are allocated a Support Worker whose role is to assist the young person to maintain and/or obtain accommodation, build independence, re-establish connects with their family and peers, obtain, and maintain education and employment and connect with their community.
Housing Support Service provides free assistance to people aged 18-65 years exiting the National Affordable Housing Agreement Services to obtain their own private rental in the mainstream rental market or to maintain their current accommodation.
All participants are allocated a Support Worker whose role is to assist the person to maintain and/or obtain accommodation, build independence, re-establish connects with their family and peers, obtain and maintain education and employment and connect with their community.