Helping recent arrivals in Australia address their settlement needs, step by step
Migrant and Refugee Settlement Services
MercyCare’s Step by Step Settlement Service provides support for newly arrived humanitarian entrants and other eligible migrant/s who live in the Perth metropolitan area.
Our team will be with you step by step to address any settlement needs you may have during your first five years in Australia.
MercyCare offers its Step by Step Settlement Service free of charge, operating in partnership with Save the Children – 54 Reasons and the Edmund Rice Centre of WA.
Who is Eligible?
To access MercyCare’s Step by Step Settlement Service, you must be:
- An Australian Permanent resident on a humanitarian visa (including family stream and other selected visa holders)
- In Australia for less than 5 years
- Living in the north metropolitan area of Perth
Referrals and walk-ins are both welcome.
Our Migrant and Refugee Settlement Programs
Case Work
- Multilingual caseworkers
- Assistance with various settlement issues
- Specialised support for employment pathways
- Specialised support for women and children
- Service referrals
Access to Workshops and Classes
- Living in Australia workshops on various topics, such as Lease Agreements, Child Care subsidy, Healthy living etc
- Welcome to Australia information sessions
- Employment information sessions
- Citizenship preparation workshops
Edmund Rice Centre of WA Driver Education Program
- Keys 4 Life, pre – driver/Learners education program
- Driving lessons provided in different languages
- Hazard Perception Test training
It Takes a Village: playgroup and life skills with Save the Children – 54 Reasons
- Three supported playgroups for children aged 0 to 5 and their mothers, with a quality early-learning program to support a smooth transition to the Australian school system and the attainment of early childhood milestones
- Women’s Life Skills classes, providing a safe environment for women to practice their English while learning new skills, developing confidence and strengthening social networks
Contact Us
The Step by Step Settlement Service is operated from our Mirrabooka office.
A: 4 Brewer Place, Mirrabooka
T: 08 6298 9888
Our funding partner
MercyCare’s Step by Step Settlement Service is funded by the Department of Home Affairs as part of its Settlement Engagement and Transition Support Service.