MercyCare / News / Alternatives to Suicide Forum

Alternatives to Suicide Forum

In February, 2017 MercyCare sponsored the visit to Western Australia of Lisa Forestell and Caroline White from the Western Massachusetts Recovery Learning Community to inform and demonstrate the very successful Alternatives to Suicide Program that their organisation runs in the United States.

This program focusses on supporting people with suicidal ideation or those who are suicide survivors by using peer support, enlisting others with lived experience in the area to work with these groups.  It is a totally peer run intervention.  This has proven to be of immense benefit to survivors who have expressed gratitude for the program providing them with hope for their future and a greater sense of self determination..

These videos record Lisa and Caroline presenting at the main forum attended by over 350 people, an audience ranging from high level decision makers in Mental Health policy in Western Australia, mental health professionals to those with lived experience.  The reaction from this audience was resounding support for the initiative and calls for its introduction in Western Australia and Australia. 

MercyCare will continue to facilitate the introduction to Alternatives to Suicide Program into Western Australia.

Enjoy the videos and let Caroline and Lisa explain what Alternatives to Suicide is all about. 

Click Here to view videos

If you have any queries please email

More information on this approach can be found at