MercyCare / News / Caring for elderly a passion for support worker Jillian

Caring for elderly a passion for support worker Jillian

With a background in nursing, Jillian joined MercyCare more than three years ago as a support worker and recently stepped into a senior role.

“I’ve always enjoyed working with elderly people so getting a job in the community and going to peoples’ houses and helping them stay at home was the ideal job for me, and I still love it,” she said.

For Jillian, MercyCare’s Christian roots and values was a drawcard for her to apply for the support worker role.

“Before I came into MeryCare, I was a Christian minister and we did a lot of pastoral care with people and prior to that I was a nurse and worked in palliative care, which was mainly with older people,” she said.

“When I applied, I had just done my Certificate III (in Individual Support — Ageing) and was looking for work… my values aligned with the values that MercyCare holds, so I felt comfortable working with an organisation that has those values.”

MercyCare senior support worker Jillian with Home Care client Margaret.

Jillian has developed a close bond with many regular consumers, including couple Margaret and James, who she considers like family.

“It’s absolutely rewarding. You get to have relationships with people and it’s really special and rewarding to have these friendships,” she said.

Jillian said providing regular support to people like Margaret and James is immensely rewarding.

“With Margaret and James, I take them shopping once a week, then we come home and I unpack everything for them, and then we sit down and have a cuppa,” she explained.

“It’s definitely as much about the social aspect, not just the support itself. And that’s why we have such a good relationship because they can talk to me about just about anything, and we get along so well.”

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