MercyCare / News / How our Early Learning Centres were recognised for their efforts

How our Early Learning Centres were recognised for their efforts

This is what earned our Early Learning Centre staff the Catherine McCauley Excellence Award at MercyCare’s 2021 Staff Excellence Awards, which recognises staff or volunteers who gone above and beyond, embody MercyCare’s values and provide a positive and quality experience for service users.

“The centre staff and managers always take the initiative to seek out new opportunities and offer their skills and aren’t afraid to say yes to a new idea, task or project,” MercyCare Executive Director of Early Learning Services Rosina Smith said.

“Despite already being time poor, they often give up their time and are willing to step outside their comfort zone by wholeheartedly supporting an idea or project that they know will have a positive impact on disadvantaged people in the local community.”

Collaborating with MercyCare’s Multicultural Services and the Community Exchange program, our Early Learning Centres have been involved in a wide variety of projects, from hosting candle-making workshops for refugee and migrant women to build their enterprise skills and offering work experience opportunities to service users who are part the refugee/humanitarian program to providing a safe space to host empowerment workshops for women. 

Congratulations to all our Early Learning Centre staff for the work that you do for our children, their families and local communities.