MercyCare / News / Introducing our official MercyCare Instagram page

Introducing our official MercyCare Instagram page

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our official Instagram page! As an organisation committed to connecting with our valued community and sharing exciting updates, Instagram is the perfect platform to foster meaningful connections, showcase our brand, and provide an immersive visual experience for our followers.

Why Instagram?
Instagram has become a powerhouse of engagement and creativity, with over a billion active users. It offers a unique blend of captivating visuals, concise storytelling, and the ability to connect with individuals across the globe.

We will be sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses into MercyCare, showcasing our services and events, alongside featuring the stories of our incredible staff and service users.
So, how can you get involved?
It’s simple, head to our Instagram page @MercyCare_WA hit that “Follow” button, and join us on this exciting adventure. We love hearing from you, so tag us in your posts, use #MercyCareWA, and leave your thoughts and comments on our content.

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