MercyCare / News / MercyCare staff get back to nature

MercyCare staff get back to nature

Staff from across MercyCare’s People, Culture and Brand Directorate joined forces with fellow WA not-for-profit organisation Trillion Trees to plant native trees in a section of the Beelu National Park earlier this month.

About 20 staff headed to Glen Forrest on July 23 where they worked in teams of three to plant a variety of native seedlings.

The plants will combat salinity and soil erosion and improve biodiversity.

Respect, for not only the inherent worth of each person but that of the natural environment, is one of MercyCare’s core values.

This team building exercise followed the planting of almost 400 trees on behalf of MercyCare in the Perth Hills earlier in the year. The seedlings were donated on behalf of MercyCare staff and volunteers who attended our 2019 Staff and Volunteer Conference in lieu of merchandise.