MercyCare / News / Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan Launch

Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan Launch

The MercyCare Boordiya Bidi team gathered in West Perth to officially launch the 2023 Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan.

Attendees were welcomed to country by Denice Kickett, MercyCare Aboriginal Reference Group Chair. Denice reflected on the current reconciliation landscape and acknowledged the ongoing work of Mercycare.

Anthony Smith, MercyCare Chief Executive Officer, then thanked all the contributors to the project including the Boordiya Bidi team, Aboriginal Reference Group, and the Reconciliation Action Plan Implementation Group.

“It is not possible to achieve organisational goals without walking alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a practical and meaningful way” said Anthony.

“Our journey started with the 2015 reflect RAP…. And we are proud to now launch our second Innovate RAP.”

Anthony touched on the importance of building genuine trust and broadening relationship with Aboriginal people.

“It is important that we continue to support the preservation of Aboriginal culture, customs and language.”

Anthony Smith, MercyCare Chief Executive Officer

Jody Nunn, Reconciliation WA Chief Executive Officer spoke about the launch of the Innovate plan.

“Reconciliation is everyone’s business. It only works if everyone commits to change,” said Jody.

She spoke about the important work being done in the community and why we need to start thinking about intergenerational change.

“It is now the era of Reconcili-action. Symbolism is important but we need to make change to ensure the next generation can succeed by choice, not by chance.”

Jody Nunn, Reconciliation WA

To conclude the event, Jennie Burns, Executive Director of Family & Community Services took the opportunity to officially announce the name change for the Aboriginal Pathways team, led by Pam Thorley. Through consultation, the decision was made earlier this year to refer to the team as “Boordiya Bidi” which reflects the work being done.

“We listened to the voice of those who have come before. Every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff member within the organisation is part of the Boordiya Bidi team.” Said Jennie.

“Each member of the MercyCare community outside of this team need to educate themselves and work to ensure that all levels of the organisation can work towards ongoing reconciliation.”

Jennie Burns, Executive Director of Family & Community Services
Members of the Boordiya Bidi Team

Reconciliation Action Plan 2023

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