MercyCare / News / Talking aged care

Talking aged care

Ageing isn’t exactly something we are taught about, it just happens.

And the thing is, everyone ages differently, so it’s important to know what support is in place to make the later years comfortable in a way that works on an individual level.

Sam Spiro, from MercyCare’s Aged Care Services, spends a lot of time talking about ageing.

She often spends an afternoon with a community group discussing the different support services and lifestyle options available, and she will even take some weekends to speak to a congregation about planning for their Autumn years.

Sam recently spoke at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Rockingham, where she was welcomed as part of their weekend mass services.

If you’d like Sam to talk with your church or community group, just get in touch.

Phone Sam on 6228 1537 or email

At MercyCare we provide home-care services for the aged, have residential aged care facilities across Perth and we also operate a retirement village in Wembley