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UV and Me – Staying SunSmart

Remember however that ultraviolet (UV) radiation can still be extreme even when the temperatures are not. So, it’s important to keep up with good sun safety measures, and it is vital that our children learn good habits from the adults they look up to.

What is UV?

UV is invisible and cannot be seen or felt. Prolonged exposure and high levels of UV radiation can damage our skin, is the source of tanning, and can cause cancer. UV is measured on a scale of 0 (Low) to 11+ (Extreme), and is influenced by location, time of day and time of year, altitude and cloud cover. UV levels vary during the day and is considered harmful when it reaches a rating of 3 or above. The majority of Australia receives high levels of UV radiation all year round.

Most weather apps include the UV rating alongside temperature readings. The SunSmart Global Solar UV app will also show you the current UV rating of your chosen location.

How to protect yourself and your children from UV damage

There are five forms of sun protection, condensed into the Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide slogan that you may be familiar with.

  • Slip on protective clothing
  • Slop on sunscreen
  • Slap on a hat
  • Seek the shade
  • Slide on sunglasses

Any skin the sun can touch is what should be protected using a combination of these methods.

We must consistently encourage these behaviours in our children, so they start to follow them independently. A few ways we can do this is:

  • Using SunSmart language when talking about the day’s activities and choosing appropriate clothing
  • Make sure hats and sunscreen are easily accessible for children to reach
  • Start the habits as young as possible

MercyCare Early Learning Centres enforces a strict ‘no-hat, no-play’ policy to protect children from sun exposure. Additionally, sunscreen is applied to every child before outdoor play.

Our staff regularly monitor UV ratings to identify the safest times for outdoor activities, and we prioritise setting up play equipment in shaded areas for added sun protection.

The best thing you can do though is to model these healthy behaviours yourself at home!

To learn more about UV radiation and becoming a SunSmart family, visit the SunSmart website: