Eco Warriors, RAP Champions and Education Leaders were privileged to experience an on country immersion at the Cockburn Wetlands Centre.
Join MercyCare’s Youth Action Group
MercyCare is looking for young people aged 16-25 to join our Youth Action Group to Empower Young People in WA
Empowering Communities with MercyCare
Mental Health Week 2024 brings communities across Australia together to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and wellbeing.
SAAFE Program Launch
With the support of the Sisters of St John of God, we have created a pilot program aimed at addressing family and domestic violence through early intervention and prevention.
Family & Community Services Boosts Mental Health
Join us at Lakeside Joondalup as we host an event focused on mental health awareness, offering activities to promote wellbeing and opportunities to connect in a supportive community environment.
Creating Sparkling Futures for Refugee Women
MercyCare’s Multicultural Services team recently launched their latest employment pilot program, MercyCare Cleaning Services.
Olive Harvest Expression of Interest
We're currently seeking volunteers to join us for our annual olive picking tradition in Wembley.
Digital Sisters program raises skills and confidence in migrant and refugee women
As we acknowledge International Women’s Day today, the global theme of ‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress’ resonates profoundly.
Bennett Springs celebrate the Year of the Dragon
Happy Chinese New Year from MercyCare Early Learning Bennett Springs
Happiness lives in your habits…
MercyCare's Staff and Volunteer Day was an incredible experience filled with inspiration and purpose.
Staff & Volunteers celebrated at 2023 MercyCare Excellence Awards
Over 400 staff and volunteers celebrated the Excellence Award Winners at Optus Stadium.
Creating Starfish for Children in Care
Recently, our Multicultural Support Services, Youth, and Disability teams collaborated with the Out of Home Care team to create 40 starfish, all for a good cause.