Our community's strength lies in its diversity; IDPwD reminds us of the importance of appreciating and celebrating each other.
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Seville Grove Early Learning Stars
Congratulations to the team at MercyCare Seville Grove Early Learning who recently won the 2023 Service Excellence Award.
Finding inspiration through Disability Services
For scheduler Kerry, a move from the Mining industry to inspiration through disability services was the best decision she's ever made
From Nudge to Fulfilment through Volunteering
After a gentle nudge from her mum, Courtney started her volunteering journey.
Marketer finds smarter ways to do business
MercyCare’s Innovation Excellence Award was recently presented to Oscar Devereaux for his commitment to improving marketing processes and outcomes for both clients and his team.
Group Leadership Award for Home Care role model
Congratulations to Kayla Lee who was awarded the Group Leadership Excellence Award at our recent Staff and Volunteer Day.
Allied Health Professions Day 2023
Meet some of the superstars from MercyCare's Allied Health Professional team
Happiness lives in your habits…
MercyCare's Staff and Volunteer Day was an incredible experience filled with inspiration and purpose.
Staff & Volunteers celebrated at 2023 MercyCare Excellence Awards
Over 400 staff and volunteers celebrated the Excellence Award Winners at Optus Stadium.
Emerging Leaders graduate from management course
From Peers to Leaders - 15 MercyCare staff recently completed a six month leadership program
Mercy Week 2023 Celebrating Heritage, Values, and Community
Mercy Week, honours the founding of the first 'House of Mercy' in Dublin in 1827 by Catherine McAuley,
MercyCare appoints Leah Mizen to manage new early learning centre
We are so pleased to welcome Leah Mizen as the appointed centre manager for our Piara Waters Early Learning Centre.